Prune a tree or a collection of trees and keep only requested tips.
keep_tips(x, tips)
# S3 method for phylo
keep_tips(x, tips)
# S3 method for multiPhylo
keep_tips(x, tips)
# S3 method for rankedPhylo
keep_tips(x, tips)
tree = rankedPhylo(5)
# select randomly 3 tips to keep
tips = sample(tips(tree), 3)
keep_tips(tree, tips)
#> Phylogenetic tree with 3 tips and 2 internal nodes.
#> Tip labels:
#> t1, t4, t5
#> Rooted; includes branch lengths.
trees = rankedPhylo(3:7)
# get tips from the first tree
tips = tips(trees[[1]])
# prune all trees, all of them will have 3 tips
keep_tips(trees, tips)
#> 5 phylogenetic trees